Page 27 - Budget 2021
P. 27


                                                               2020/21                 2021/22
             Lifetime allowance*                              £1,073,100              £1,073,100
             Lifetime allowance charge:
                    Excess drawn as cash                                 55% of excess
                    Excess drawn as income                               25% of excess
             Annual allowance                                  £40,000                 £40,000
             Annual allowance taper:¶
                  Threshold income limit                       £200,000                £200,000
                  Adjusted income limit                        £240,000                £240,000
                  Minimum annual allowance                      £4,000                  £4,000
             Money purchase annual allowance                    £4,000                  £4,000
             Annual allowance charge                                   20%-45% of excess
             Max. relievable personal contribution       100% relevant UK earnings or £3,600 gross if greater

            * May be increased under 2006, 2012, 2014 or 2016 transitional protection provisions.
            ¶ 50% taper down to the minimum allowance based on excess over adjusted income limit if threshold income limit is
            also exceeded


             CLASS 1 EMPLOYEE
                                                 2020/21                    2021/22
                                        Employee      Employer     Employee     Employer
             Main NIC rate                  12%          13.8%         12%         13.8%
             No NICs on first:
             Under 21*                     £183 pw      £962 pw      £184 pw      £967 pw
             21* & over                    £183 pw      £169 pw      £ 184 pw     £170 pw
             Main NIC charged up to        £962 pw      No limit     £967 pw       No limit
             Additional NIC rate             2%           N/A          2%           N/A
             on earnings over              £962 pw                   £967 pw

            * Under 25 for apprentices
            +  No employer NICs for armed forces veterans in first 12 months of employment up to the upper secondary threshold

                                                 2020/21                    2021/22

             Per business*                        £4,000                     £4,000

            * Not available if a director is the sole employee or the previous tax year’s secondary NICs were £100,000 or more

             Limits and Thresholds                       2020/21              2021/22
                                                    Weekly     Yearly    Weekly      Yearly
                                                      £          £          £          £
             Lower earnings limit                    120       6,240       120       6,240
             Primary earnings threshold              183       9,500       184       9,568
             Secondary earnings threshold            169       8,788       170       8,840
             Upper secondary threshold – U21s*       962       50,000      967       50,270
             Upper earnings limit                    962       50,000      967       50,270

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