Page 15 - ISQ October 2020
P. 15


                                                Contagious COVID
                               Asymptomatic carriers, diverging opinions, and the ease of transmission make
                                            the spread of COVID-19 difficult to control.

           like convalescent plasma, are showing promise, but we still   case spread, the full impacts of schools reopening has yet to
           do not have a ‘cure' for the virus.                be seen. We anticipate that schools that have chosen to
                                                              reopen will likely switch to online if virus spread surges.
           After struggling in the early days with testing, the US has now
           completed nearly 100 million tests. New advancements in rapid
           tests have the potential to dramatically increase testing levels yet   THE RACE FOR A VACCINE
           again. If these tests become broadly available, we could see   As individuals return to school, work, and other activities this
           increases in the comfort level of individuals to fly, attend large   fall, the race for a vaccine becomes particularly important. On
           gatherings, and participate in other public group activities.   the vaccine front, several candidates show strong potential.
                                                              According to Raymond James Biotechnology Analyst Steven
           The decision of whether to open schools, remain entirely vir-  Seedhouse, leading vaccines are being tested from companies
           tual, or some hybrid approach during the school year is one of   and  institutions  such  as  AstraZeneca/University  of  Oxford,
           the  most  challenging  and  divisive  for  those  influencing  the   BioNtech/Pfizer, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson,
           decisions. This decision is particularly complicated given the   Merck, Moderna, Novavax and Sanofi/GSK. China and Russia
           ramifications of 1) not opening schools, and consequently   have granted limited approval to vaccines without conclusive
           depriving many students of social support, school-provided   results on their efficacy. The Trump Administration’s Operation
           supplies, sponsored meal programs, and school-provided   Warp Speed (OWS) is the coordinated government effort one
           accommodations; versus 2) reopening schools, and poten-  would expect in a time of crisis. OWS has funded multiple vac-
           tially causing an outbreak of the deadly coronavirus among   cine candidates and is working to ensure the US has hundreds
           communities, children, families, teachers, and the broader   of millions of doses available in 2021. Analysis of new data on
           US. Fortunately, according to the latest information from the   vaccines continues and it is possible that an emergency use
           Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children   authorization (EUA), which is not the same as full approval,
           are at relatively low risk of experiencing severe side effects;   could be given by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a
           however, they can spread the virus to others. For most states,   vaccine prior to the end of 2020 and possibly before the elec-
           the decision to reopen is left to local school jurisdictions and   tion.
           local health authorities. Only Texas, Florida, Iowa, Missouri,
           and Arkansas have required in-person education to be avail-  President Trump and his campaign team are pushing hard to get
           able. On the other hand, Vermont, Rhode Island, West Virginia,   an EUA for a vaccine before election day. The FDA continues to
           DC, New Mexico, and Puerto Rico have orders banning all   push back against accusations that they may prematurely
           in-person instruction. Although some schools have reported   approve vaccines or therapeutics due to political pressure from

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