Page 7 - ISQ UK_October 2017
P. 7


           Setting a Legacy:

           Mrs Merkel and the Future of Europe

        Chris Bailey, European Strategist, Raymond James Euro Equities*

        "Worry about going out there and making your own legacy"  Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

        In the hard knocks world of politics, Angela Merkel looks likely to
        go down in history, as undefeated in Chancellorship elections as
        Floyd Mayweather was in the ring. However, her triumph in the   Fortunately for Mrs Merkel, the
        late September elections was tempered by the need to form a new   current political and economic
        ruling coalition to allow her to effectively rule in her eleventh year
        as Chancellor and beyond. As a student of history, Mrs Merkel will   backdrop for the Eurozone
        be fully aware of the troubles her political mentor Helmut Kohl ran   provides plenty of opportunities
        into near the end of his reign as Chancellor, and will be determined
        not to repeat these errors.                                  for the de facto leader of Europe
                                                                     to build this legacy
        Fortunately  for  Mrs  Merkel,  the  current  political  and  economic
        backdrop for the Eurozone provides plenty of opportunities for the
        de facto leader of Europe to build this legacy. Whilst the German
        economy has performed respectfully over recent years aided by an
        export focus, the rest of the region has struggled, political unity
        has been poor and the criticism of German leadership has been   The  next  stage  is  unlikely  to  be  as  naturally  cordial  however.
        high - and not just in Southern Europe. There is much work for Mrs   Particularly  in  a  post-Brexit  world,  the  Eurozone  will  look  to
        Merkel to do and the next five years is likely to be the crucial epoch   simultaneously reform and pull together - in short try to get closer
        to achieve this.                                        to  the  classic  Anglo-American  ideals  on  entrepreneurship  and
                                                                building economic dynamism, whilst also acknowledging a greater
        Of course she has found a willing high level political partner in the   role  for  regional  payment  stabilisers  and  economic  and  taxation
        form  of  Emmanuel  Macron,  the  President  of  France.  In  a  move   centralisation. The first half of these policies are likely to be well-
        reminiscent  of  the  famous  Mitterand-Kohl  combination  of  the   received both by Mrs Merkel and the German populace, who have
        1980s and 1990s, the leaders of the two most important Eurozone   long  been  exasperated  by  the  actions  of  many  of  their  fellow
        countries have the opportunity to drive forward the debate on the   Eurozone  politicians  and  citizens.  The  latter  is  largely  privately
        future  of  the  region  at  multiple  levels.  Early  signs  about  this   supported  by  the  German  political  leadership  but,  as  shown
        combination are good, with President Macron borrowing much of   recently by the slightly lukewarm reaction to an idealistic speech
        the tone of the 1990s German labour market reforms in his own   by  Emmanuel  Macron  about  the  future  of  the  Europe,  Angela
        efforts to improve the dynamism of the French economy, changes   Merkel will tread a little carefully whilst bedding down her likely
        which unsurprisingly Chancellor Merkel has publicly supported.  new political coalition.

        *An affiliate of Raymond James & Associates and Raymond James Financial Services
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