Page 5 - ISQ October 2022
P. 5


        stand together in the face of profound geopolitical and   the country’s base interest rate in an attempt to bear down on
        economic stress, the newly installed Ms Truss is quickly   elevated and “sticky” inflation, may have to redouble its
        learning how her own, admittedly heavily disguised, political   commitment, and fast, if credibility is to be restored and a
        weakness is swiftly evolving into an even more profound   fully-fledged sterling crisis avoided. It has already been forced
        economic and financial market fragility.            into a high-profile U-turn, temporarily returning to purchase
                                                            even more government bonds instead of selling them as
        From the viewpoint of economics, the nub of the problem   scheduled, to head-off what had threatened to become a
        affecting the UK (and developed Western economies more   disorderly melt-down.
        widely) is that one simply cannot “buy” growth by adding
        mountains of debt. Indeed, between 1999 and 2019, the year   Amidst all the apparent doom and gloom, the hardened
        prior to Covid’s onset, the UK economy expanded by £0.72tr   investor knows only too well the age-old mantra, “markets stop
        whilst adding debt of £2.9tr. Put differently, every £1 of   panicking when officials start panicking!” When all around are
        borrowing yielded just 0.25p of growth. Within the growth   losing their cool, then that is the time to look for opportunities.
        reported over that period, as much as 69% of it was derived   Perverse as it may sound, the more distorted UK financial asset
        from the cosmetic impact of pouring vast amounts of addi-  prices appear, the greater the longer-term opportunity. For
        tional credit into the system. Whilst reported growth may have   now, holding the line and being courageous in the teeth of
        averaged an annualised 1.8%, borrowing averaged an annual-  adversity will surely be rewarded in the future.
        ised 7.2% of GDP over the same period. In essence, pretty much
        all the “growth” achieved by the UK economy since the dawn of
        the new century has been a mirage. Taking the view that the   KEY TAKEAWAYS:
        future will be different is to push back against recent historical   •  The UK “mini Budget” is a high-risk plan to reinvent
        experience.                                                the UK as a high growth/high wage economy. An

        Beyond this, the relentless downward pressure on real      uncosted and aggressive borrowing plan to generate
        household disposable incomes has resulted in a profound    sufficient growth in the future has impacted on the
        affordability compression for the average household. This, if   gilt-edged market and sterling.
        unaddressed, will inevitably lead to an undermined ability to   •  “Buying” growth by adding debt does not solve the
        not only make discretionary purchases but increasingly force   UK’s long-term productivity problem.
        the paring back of items hitherto deemed essential, including   •  Persistent high inflation has imparted a significant
        staged payments and subscriptions. This has equally profound   affordability problem for the average UK household.
        consequences for an economy hugely leveraged on the global   Energy costs, although rising, have been capped by
        financial system. The latest available data pertaining to 2020   the new administration.
        reveals that the UK has aggregated financial assets – the
        counterpoint to liabilities (relating to the household, business   •  The Bank of England has stepped in both to rescue the
        and government sectors), amounting to an eye-watering      pension fund sector and restore the UK’s economic
        1262% of GDP. For comparison, the equivalent figure in Japan   credibility, essential to avoid a debt servicing crisis
        is 871%, Europe 795% and the United States 588%. This is not   and to “cover” the widening current account deficit.
        to say that other regions of the developed world are in rude   •  The combination of a temporary return to bond
        health, just that the UK is, on this metric, comfortably the most   purchases and likely yet higher interest rates has
        vulnerable to the vicissitudes of the financial markets.   averted a sterling crisis and bought time, but more
        An uncosted exercise in bluster, which is what Mr Kwarteng’s   may need to be done.
        mini-Budget turned out to be, risks severely damaging the UK’s
        credibility at a time when, to borrow a phrase from the former
        Bank of England governor, Mr Mark Carney, the country needs
        all the kindness of strangers it can possibly muster. The UK
        needs cash from overseas to prevent debt servicing costs from
        spiralling out of control and to “cover” the sharp widening in
        the current account deficit. But kindness is not to be confused
        with charity; there is a price for everything, and financial assets
        will reprice until such point as the UK’s allure becomes
        irresistible. The Bank of England, already in the midst of raising

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