Page 19 - ISO April 2023
P. 19


        This may be on top of your annual £3,000 exemption. You can also   INVEST IN AIM (ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT MARKET)
        make unlimited wedding gifts of £1,000 to any non-related person   SHARES
        each tax year.                                      AIM is a sub-market of the London Stock Exchange which allows
        But, if you die within seven years of making a gift in excess of your   investors access to smaller companies.
        nil-rate band of £325,000, IHT will be payable on a sliding scale as   Investing in qualifying AIM shares have IHT benefits, since many
        shown below:                                        stocks on London’s junior stock market can qualify for Business
                                                            Relief. However not all AIM shares qualify (as approved by HMRC)
          Time between making the   Tax applied to the gift  and you must hold the shares for at least two years to be exempt
                gift and death                              from IHT. They also need to continue to be qualifying upon death.
                0 - 3 years              40%                AIM companies are smaller, less established companies and share
                3 - 4 years              32%                prices can be volatile.
                4 - 5 years              24%                The UK Government’s decision in 2013 to allow AIM-listed shares
                5 - 6 years              16%                to be held within Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) means that
                6 - 7 years               8%                investors can now hold BR-qualifying shares within a tax-efficient
                 7 years                  0%                ISA wrapper.
                                                            SET UP A TRUST
        Another option is for a gift to be exempt as a gift out of surplus   Setting up a trust to hold your assets could be another option to
        income, however the following conditions must be satisfied:  consider.
        •   The gift must be part of your normal (i.e typical or habitual)   The trustees control the assets, rather than them being passed
           expenditure; and                                 onto the beneficiaries right away. This may be useful if you are
                                                            concerned about gifting assets to a loved one who is perhaps not
        •   The gift must be made out of your after tax income taking one   renowned for their financial prudence, or perhaps to minors.
           year with another; and
                                                            Important to note that trusts can be expensive to run and subject
        •   After allowing for all other transfers of value forming part of   to tax charges, which together with their complexity makes them
           your expenditure, you are left with              worthwhile in only a few circumstances.
           sufficient income, in order to maintain your usual standard
           of living.                                       TAKE OUT AN INSURANCE POLICY

        In order to satisfy that the gifts were part of your normal   You may purchase an insurance policy that covers IHT liability,
        expenditure, it will be necessary to show a commitment to make   these are generally written in trust.
        regular gifts as part of a settled pattern of giving.
                                                            This route offers you peace of mind, that your beneficiaries will
                                                            not struggle with a huge Inheritance Tax bill when you die. You are
        PUT IT IN A PENSION                                 effectively paying at least part of that bill while you are alive
        The main purpose of a pension is to provide you with income in   through your monthly premiums, which can sometimes be
        retirement. But you can also nominate beneficiaries should you   substantial. As you might expect, the older you get the higher the
        pass away before you receive it. The nominations must be   premium. Though this will vary depending on your underlying
        submitted directly to your pension provider, and generally IHT is   health.
        not payable.

        If you die after the age of seventyfive your beneficiaries will need   DONATE TO CHARITY
        to pay income tax on the money they take out of the pension. The   If you leave any part of your estate to charity you receive a
        rate depends on whether they are a basic (20%), higher (40%), or   proportionate deduction on your IHT rate.
        additional rate (45%) taxpayer.

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