Page 5 - ISQ Outlook 2023
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                             “  ... adapting to the times and working to discover
                           opportunities has usually proven more successful than

                                          acting on fear or emotions.    ”

        some of the best opportunities may require  moving in isolation   opportunities has usually proven more successful than acting on
        (contrarian). For example, REITs in the aggregate have sharply   fear or emotions. Remember: Jurassic Park’s heroes don’t prevail
        turned out of favour. But valuations are attractive, and for specific   because they’re stronger or faster than the dinosaurs, but
        industries within the sector (e.g., cell towers, healthcare facilities),   because  they’re  smarter—and  stick  together.  Just  as  the  film’s
        earnings should be less sensitive to the downturn. The Technology   characters relied on one another in precarious situations, trust
        sector should also not be cast aside, as the more diversified or mul-  your financial advisor to guide you through the jungle. And we’ll
        ti-faceted companies still display strong fundamentals.  be here too, providing updated investment insights as we explore
                                                            this ever-changing investment landscape together.
        Life, the Markets, And Investors Will Find a Way
        The concept of evolution is the key to Jurassic Park. As one of the   We wish you a safe, healthy, and prosperous 2023!
        scientists' states, “Life finds a way.” Change isn’t easy; sometimes it
        requires breaking through barriers and boundaries. Incessant
        gloom-and-doom headlines may make investors feel as though
        2023 will be a lost year for the economy and the markets. True, the
        oncoming recession, like a charging T-Rex, isn’t in the rear-view   Lawrence V. Adam, III, CFA, CIMA®, CFP®
        mirror yet. Yet adapting to the times and working to discover   Chief Investment Officer

        Investment Strategy Committee Members

        Lawrence V. Adam, III, CFA, CIMA®, CFP® — Committee President,    Nicholas Lacy, CFA Chief Portfolio Strategist, Asset Management Services
        Chief Investment Officer
                                                            Joey Madere, CFA Senior Portfolio Analyst, Equity Portfolio & Technical Strategy
        Eugenio J. Alemán, PhD Chief Economist, Raymond James
                                                            Tracey Manzi, CFA Senior Investment Strategist, Investment Strategy
        Jeremy Batstone-Carr European Strategist, Raymond James
        Investment Services Ltd.*                           Ed Mills Managing Director, Washington Policy Analyst, Equity Research
        James C. Camp, CFA Managing Director, Strategic Income,    Pavel Molchanov Managing Director, Energy Analyst, Equity Research
        Eagle Asset Management*
        Doug Drabik Managing Director, Fixed Income Research  Chief Investment Office
        Giampiero Fuentes, CFP® Economist, Raymond James    Anne B. Platt, AWMA®, AIF®, RICP® — Committee Chair, Vice President,
        J. Michael Gibbs Managing Director, Equity Portfolio & Technical Strategy  Investment Strategy
        Nick Goetze Managing Director, Fixed Income Solutions  Matthew Ziyadeh Investment Strategy Analyst, Investment Strategy
                                                            Lindsay Smith Investment Strategy Analyst, Investment Strategy

        *An affiliate of Raymond James & Associates, Inc., and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
        CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
        Investments & Wealth Institute (The Institute) is the owner of the certification marks “CIMA” and “Certified Investment Management Analyst.” Use of CIMA and/or Certified Investment
        Management Analyst signifies that the user has successfully completed The Institute’s initial and ongoing credentialing requirements for investment management professionals.
        Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified Financial Planner™ and federally registered CFP (with flame logo) in the US, which it awards
        to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
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