Page 3 - ISQ October 2020
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           Other, more traditional value sectors such as Energy, have a   ocrats being best for the economy (not always), the Energy
           cloudier outlook. Oil market fundamentals remain rather   sector performing best under Republicans (not recently), and
           pedestrian, as the rebound in economic growth has not boosted   tax hikes causing negative equity performance (not in the post-
           demand for transportation fuels back to pre-pandemic levels.   World War II era).
           Numerous countries and US states are still engaged in modified   This year has taught us a number of lessons, and expecting the
           lockdowns, and the oil market needs to avoid a second-wave   unexpected is certainly one of them. While we are aware of
           induced detour during the upcoming winter season as it would   where the potential aforementioned potholes may be, inves-
           surely lead to intensified restrictions. OPEC  discipline  and a   tors must take safety precautions as they advance toward their
           decline in US production have offset a large portion of the   financial goals. Disciplined strategy and asset allocation param-
           reduction in demand, thus allowing oil dynamics to reach equi-  eters should serve as rumble strips, keeping a portfolio from
                                                              drastically going off-course. In addition, an uncomfortable level
           Accordingly, our price target for West Texas Intermediate (WTI)   of portfolio risk may be an opportune time to pull over and
           at year end is $40 per barrel (bbl) with potential to rise above   reassess the route ahead. Having your adviser serve as a
           $50/bbl over the next 12 months, contingent on stronger fuel   co-pilot to help with directions is beneficial, but it is especially
           demand globally. While there are COVID-19 related risks to the   prudent when navigating the uncharted territory we find our-
           market (vaccine setbacks, potential second wave), the outcome   selves in today.
           of the presidential race is at the forefront of investors’ minds.   This upcoming quarter will move quickly—from the hopeful
           The polarized political environment was exacerbated by the   further reopening of the economy to the US Presidential elec-
           COVID-19 outbreak, and with the election quickly approaching,   tion and the holiday season that follows. Above all, we wish you
           voters are truly at a crossroads. For incumbent President   and your family health and prosperity in the final months of
           Trump, a unique, virus-induced recession as well as high levels   2020.
           of unemployment have threatened his re-election efforts. How-
           ever, a strong third quarter GDP report released just five days
           ahead of the election may provide him with the boost he needs.
           Former Vice President Biden currently has the edge, but this
           election cycle is likely to be unprecedented—from the debates
           to the final counting of results.                  Lawrence V. Adam, III, CFA, CIMA®, CFP®
                                                              Chief Investment Officer, Private Client Group
           Regardless of the outcome, we encourage investors to view the
           winner of the White House as only one factor in determining
           your asset allocation and sector positioning. The economy,
           earnings growth, Fed policy, and underlying secular trends
           combined create a more robust outlook. In fact, many generally
           accepted doctrines have proven to be inaccurate, such as Dem-

           All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the Chief Investment Office and are subject to change. Investing involves risk including the possible loss of principal. Past
           performance may not be indicative of future results.

           Investment Strategy Committee Members

           Lawrence V. Adam, III, CFA, CIMA®, CFP® – Committee President,    Nick Goetze Managing Director, Fixed Income Solutions
           Chief Investment Officer, Private Client Group
                                                              Nicholas Lacy, CFA Chief Portfolio Strategist, Asset Management Services
           Chris Bailey European Strategist, Raymond James Investment Services
           Ltd.*                                              Joey Madere, CFA Senior Portfolio Analyst, Equity Portfolio & Technical
           Scott J. Brown, PhD Chief Economist, Raymond James
           James C. Camp, CFA Managing Director, Strategic Income,    Ed Mills Managing Director, Washington Policy Analyst, Equity Research
           Eagle Asset Management*                            Pavel Molchanov Director, Energy Analyst, Equity Research
           Doug Drabik Managing Director, Fixed Income Research
           J. Michael Gibbs Managing Director, Equity Portfolio & Technical Strategy  Chief Investment Office
           Kevin Giddis, Managing Director, Chief Fixed Income Strategist,    Anne B. Platt, AWMA®, AIF®, RICP® – Committee Chair, Vice President,
           Investment Strategy                                Investment Strategy & Product Positioning, Investment Strategy
                                                              Giampiero Fuentes Investment Strategy Analyst, Investment Strategy
                                                              Kailey Bodine Investment Strategy Analyst, Investment Strategy

           *An affiliate of Raymond James & Associates, Inc., and Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
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