Page 15 - April ISQ 2021
P. 15
A New Meaning Of Infrastructure
The modern definition of ‘infrastructure’ will go beyond just roads and bridges to include
improvements in climate change, social justice issues and developing technologies.
Bridges Water Climate Education
Traditional New
infrastructure infrastructure
Roads Energy Paid Sick Equality
Public Universal
Transit Broadband
To conclude, current political dynamics have placed domestic
policy at the forefront of the Biden administration’s first term KEY TAKEAWAYS:
agenda. Although the next election is just around the corner in • The early theme of the Biden presidency is domestic
DC terms, the Democratic sweep solidified in January carries policy, working with Congressional Democratic majori-
with it the potential for the Biden administration to make ties in the House and Senate to ‘act fast’ and ‘go big’ on
significant economic reforms – from consumer support COVID-19 relief efforts.
programs to domestic manufacturing incentives – a more
permanent fixture of the US economy. • The size of the overall household aid, especially with
monthly payments of the child tax credit and unem-
ployment support, has similarities to calls for the
establishment of a universal basic income.
• The ‘recovery’ package takes a broader, non-tradi-
tional view of infrastructure, including: modernisation
of the economy, tackling climate change, addressing
racial and economic inequalities, and investments in
the workforce.
• Current political dynamics have placed domestic
policy at the forefront of the Biden administration’s
first term agenda.