Page 6 - ISQ - April 2022
P. 6


                     Monetary Policy Tools
                                                              achieved. These promises help to keep long-term interest
                                                              rates low, promoting growth.
             Open market operations     Reserve requirement
                                                              During the 2008 financial crisis, the FOMC lowered the federal
                                                              funds target range to 0-0.25%. Seemingly out of ammo, the FOMC
                                                              began its first Large-Scale Asset Purchase program (LSAP), which is
                                                              more commonly called quantitative easing (QE). In quantitative
                                                              easing, the Fed buys large amounts of Treasury and mortgage-
                                         BOND          BOND
                                                              backed securities each month. The Fed employed QE1, QE2, and
                   Buy or sell             3% or 10% of
                                          demand deposits     QE3 in the aftermath of the financial crisis, and restarted asset
                                                              purchases on a massive scale in the early stages of the pandemic.
                                                              The Fed’s asset purchases helped lower long-term interest rates,
                 Reserves                       Interest
                                                              although they seemed to become less effective at each stage.
                    Interest                  Loans           Unwinding the balance sheet will work in the opposite way, raising
                                                              long-term interest rates.

                                                              The Fed’s asset purchases have ballooned the size of its balance
                                  FED                         sheet to nearly $9 trillion (it was below $1 trillion before the
                                                              financial crisis and around $4 trillion before the pandemic). The
                                                              FOMC expects to begin unwinding its balance sheet later this year.
                                                              That will occur naturally over time, as the FOMC reinvests a portion
                Interest on required        Discount rate     of maturing securities. The FOMC does not plan to sell securities
                and excess reserves                           out of its portfolio outright, although it will be buying and selling
              Source: Federal Reserve                         across maturities as the size of the balance sheet declines. The
           overnight lending  rate that banks  charge each other for   ultimate size of the balance sheet is uncertain; however, it will be
           borrowing reserves. Reserves are balances held at the Fed to   based on maintaining an adequate level of reserves in the banking
           satisfy banks’ reserve requirements. Banks with excess reserves   system.
           can lend them to banks that need larger reserves. The federal
           funds rate is a market rate. The Fed sets a target range and   MONETARY POLICY IN PRACTICE
           performs open market operations (buying or selling Treasury   In theory, monetary policy uses the money supply to influence
           securities)  to  achieve  it  (hence,  the  name  ‘Open  Market   employment and inflation, but the money supply plays no role in
           Committee’). The federal funds rate (and where it appears to be   policy decisions. As Chair  Powell testified  in 2021:  “The
           headed) affects longer-term interest rates. In raising the federal   connection between monetary aggregates and either growth or
           funds rate, the Fed ‘tightens’ the availability of credit. Lowering   inflation was very strong for a long, long time, which ended
           the federal funds rate ‘eases’ credit conditions.  about 40 years ago. It was probably correct when it was written,
                                                              but it’s been a different economy and a different financial system
           The primary credit rate (sometimes still called the discount rate) is   for some time.”
           the rate that the Fed charges banks for short-term borrowing. The
           Fed’s Board of Governors approves (or not) a request for a change   Policy decisions are based on a wide range of information.
           in the primary credit rate made by one or more of the federal   The Fed doesn’t react to the economic data per se, but to what
           district banks. Typically, the primary credit rate is changed at the   the data imply for the outlook ahead. Economic data are
           same time as the federal funds target. Note that the FOMC only   subject to statistical noise and seasonal adjustment quirks
           began to announce changes to the federal funds target in 1994.   and are often revised. The Fed also relies on anecdotal
           Before that, the discount rate, a posted rate, was viewed as the   information collected by the district banks to gauge labour
           main policy signal.                                market conditions and inflation pressures.

           The Fed sometimes employs forward guidance, a conditional   The FOMC arrives at its policy decisions by consensus. Officials
           commitment to keep the federal funds rate low for a certain   are in touch with each other before policy meetings and a
           period of time or until some economic objective has been   decision rarely hasn’t been worked out in advance. Occasionally,

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